Mobilizing in Our Own Name: Million Worker March by Clarence Thomas

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A Letter From Mumia Abu-Jamal Written to Trent Willis, International Longshore & Warehouse Local 10 President

On Feb. 1, author and Black trade union activist Clarence Thomas spoke on a webinar called: "Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and All Anti-Racist and Anti-Imperialist Freedom Fighters!" organized by International Workers Action to Free Anti-Racist Political Prisoners.

In Thomas' talk he read the letter, below, that Mumia wrote on Oct. 5, 2021, to Interna­tional Longshore & Warehouse Local 10 President Trent Willis.

Read about the struggle to free Mumia and to end white supremacy in the new anthology by Clarence Thomas: 'Mobilizing in Our Own Name: Million Worker March.' The 328 page book captures radical workers' actions and struggles as those events were happening through hundreds of news articles, colorful photos, posters, leaflets, and video transcripts.

Penn Depart. of Corrections
From: Mumia Abu-Jamal
International Longshore & Warehouse Workers Local 10
ID#: AM8335


Dear Bro. Trent:

I want to thank you for your stalwart and massive work in 1999 to thwart the State's attempt to destroy me.

Your work since then to give voice to the damned has been nothing short of noble and just. I than you and your brethren in the ILWU for standing and fighting for life, for justice and for freedom! when workers unite the earth trembles and the heavens shake!

I and my Family thank you!
Mumia Abu-Jamal (life Row)